5 More to Go.

So, I’ve been absolutely terrible at keeping my blog updated because I’ve been crazy busy, so for those who want an update here it is and thank you for being patient. 🙂

So the past 2 (ish) months have been…crazy to say the least and I don’t even know where to start. When he left in September I was so emotionally drained because I felt like I cried for a week straight because my other half left and there was nothing I could have done about it. I felt so alone because I don’t really have friends who’s significant other is in the military or deployed so I felt like, as amazing and great my friends are and have been, I felt like they didn’t understand and they’d say things like “it’ll be over soon, he’ll be back.” I know he’ll be back and 7 months is still 7 months regardless, but I know they mean well. Although, it has gotten easier especially once class started back up again and I’ve been making an effort to hang out with friends and that’s made things easier. It feels like he left just yesterday, but it also feels like he’s been gone for an eternity.

His mom has been such a blessing. Not everyone can say they love they get along with their significant others (SO) parents, but she keeps in touch and checks on me to make sure I’m doing okay and I do the same. She could have never given me her phone number and the second he left she could have never spoken to me again. I’m so lucky, I’ve heard some of the horror stories from some of my friends and their SO’s parents. To say thank you I sent his mom a mini care package of her own and inside there’s this really cool shot glass made out of the top of a beer bottle (it’s pretty cool actually), I put in my favorite candle because it smells amazing and Dylan’s told me she likes candles, I got her this cute little necklace with a cross on it, a cute little thing from Hobby Lobby that says “bless your heart”, and my favorite thing that I sent her is this key chain/wristlet that says Dylan’s last name with the NWU material (I’ll post a picture). I got one for myself too and that’s what made me get her one and make her a little care package because I’m so thankful to have her because when I feel the worst she’ll remind me how much he loves me and cares about me and is just super stressed and hearing that from her just makes me feel 100x better so it’s the least I could do to say thank you.

So class has been great and a great kick off to starting my criminal justice courses. I finished this class with an 87.8% and I’m pretty content with that because these classes are no joke and I love it. Although, I’m already getting used to being in a male dominated field because I’m literally the only girl in a class, but I don’t mind because that’s how it’s going to be when I actually get into my career. My Professor is pretty cool and is a great teacher. We missed pretty much a whole week due to the hurricane from the 4 week class so we had a lot to fit in so that’s another reason why I’m happy with my grade because it was a lot of information, but I can already tell I’m going to love this career. My first class was Introduction to Juvenile Procedure and my next class that starts Monday is Criminal Investigation and I am sooo excited you have no idea.

Everything has been flying by, which makes this deployment go faster, we’re already about 22% done with it, but it’s an estimate because it’s too soon to know his home coming date, but I can’t wait to see him again, I miss him so much. We’ve had out bumps in the road because this isn’t easy by any means, but if it means being with the person who makes me happy then I can’t really complain because I he’s who I want and if this is the worst thing we have to go through then I’m okay with that. We’re like any couple we bicker and we don’t always agree, not to mention we’re both stressed for different reasons. He’s working all the time, rarely has days off and is just tired. Me, I’m working full time and going to school at night and trying to be a good friend and have a good sleep schedule and try to eat healthy and lose weight. It’s just a lot on both of us not to mention my stress and worry about my sailor on top of that. I know he’s stressed like crazy so I’ve been trying not to stress him out more with my stress so it’s just a lot of stress all around. By no means am I complaining because I love school, I’m just tired more than than I’m not.

I can’t wait until he’s home, I miss him like crazy. I miss him so much as a whole, but I miss the little things I never thought I’d miss like cooking for him, or cleaning while he’s at the gym for him to come back to the place being clean, I miss grocery shopping with him, I miss bumming it out on the couch with our own bags of chips watch Workaholics, I miss wrestling him when he starts tickling me, I miss the how when he’s hug me after putting cologne on that I’d smell like him for the next couple hours, I miss the little passive aggressive fake arguments that we’d have when we were bored, I miss the car rides where we’d sing duets, the late night taco bell runs because somebody *cough* him *cough* wanted tacos. I just miss everything about him.